
Step2: Building an outline for your essay

Page history last edited by Mrs. Iman Ali 16 years, 1 month ago

Building an outline is like drawing a map of your essay. The job of an outline is to sum up each paragraph in your essay. Outlining doesn’t involve writing complete paragraphs. But outlining is a good time to write a few sentences. Think of these as your topic sentences.

Introductory paragraph of your essay

Reread your main idea. Now, write a complete sentence about your main idea.

First part of essay body

Reread your words or phrases that you agree with. Write a complete sentence using each.

Second part of essay body

Reread your words or phrases that you disagree with. Write a complete sentence using each.

Finally, reread your whole outline. Finish organizing your thoughts. Decide if you like the order of your topic sentences, or need to change the order a little.



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